In order to maximize academic achievement students need to be in class daily, therefore, Thornton High School will be revising their attendance policy. Effective second quarter, students will only be allowed 10 excused absences, 5 per semester, without documentation for the entire school year. Any absence outside of the 10 excused days will need to be accompanied by a Doctor’s note or documentation from an appointment. Students with excessive excused absences will be referred to a Dean according to grade level. Please remember to call in your student’s absence within 48 hours to the school. If you have questions regarding the attendance policy change please contact your student’s grade level Dean.
Single period absences will only be excused for legitimate reasons (i.e. Doctor, Dentist, Appointment). Documentation must be submitted for it to be excused.
New starting for Winter Sports Athletic eligibility will be contingent upon attendance, being in class, and on time.