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Meet our Staff
General Policies
- Be respectful and courteous of others using the library.
- Be respectful of the library space. Clean up after yourself and use furniture/materials in the manner it is intended to be used.
- Students are welcome to study in the library during a free period. Students are required to scan in with their ID card at the circulation desk and the ID must have the correct off-period sticker.
- Students are welcome in the library during lunch with a lunch pass from either a teacher or library staff.
- Food is not allowed in the library. Drinks are allowed if they are in a twist top container.
- The library reserves the right to suspend these guidelines for special library events.
- Do not leave backpacks, Chromebooks, cell phones or other valuables unattended in the library.
- Students failing to comply with these guidelines may be asked to leave the library.
Circulation Policies
- Student IDs required to checkout all materials.
- Student library accounts must be in good standing to check out library materials.
- Books are checked out for three weeks.
- A total of three books may be checked out at one time.
- Books can be renewed for an additional three weeks if there is not a waiting list for that book.
- Overdue notices will be emailed to students weekly.
- Materials more than 30 days overdue will be marked as lost and students will be charged for the replacement value of the item. If the item is returned to the library in good condition, the fine will be deleted.
- ILLs - Interlibrary loans is a service that allows students to borrow materials from other Adams 12 schools. An ILL is not guaranteed and borrowers must follow the lending library's policies.
- To request an ILL, or place a hold on an item, please see the library staff.
Technology Policies
- Library computers are for academic use first. Students using computers for non-academic reasons may be asked to give up their space for students needing a computer for academic reasons.
- The library has a black and white printer available for student use. You must be logged into a desktop computer to access this printer. Please don't be wasteful and only print what you need.
- If you charge your device in the library (phone, (Chromebook), the library is not responsible for your device. Do not leave your devices unattended in the library.