Useful Links
- Biographies
- Data and Statistics
- Fact Checker Sites
- Primary Sources and Historical Research
- Careers and Employment
Data and Statistics
- CDC FastStats - Provides quick access to statistics on topics of public health importance provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- CIA World Factbook - Information on the history, people, government, economics, etc. for countries around the world.
- Data.Gov - Open United States government data.
- Data USA - A free platform that allows users to collect and analyze shared US data.
- Gapminder - A collection of world maps, based on current world data, where countries are resized on each map according to the subject of interest.
- If It Were My Home - Compare living conditions between countries.
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration - Data about various mental and substance use disorders.
- United Stated Census Bureau - Provides basic demographic data.
- USAFacts - Non-partisan, not-for-profit organization that uses publicly available data to create a portrait of America (population, government's finances, government's impact on society).
- World Health Organization Global Health Observatory Data Repository - Provides statistics on an array of health-related topics for countries around the world.
- Worldmapper - A collection of world maps where territories are re-sized on each map according to subject of interest.
Fact Checker Sites
Fact Check - Monitors the factual accuracy of what is said by major U.S. political players.
Snopes - One of the first fact-checking websites; provides fact-checking and analysis.
Open Secrets - Focus is on political spending.
Politifact - Rates the accuracy of claims by elected officials and others who speak up in American politics.
Poynter - Not a true fact checking site but produces credible and evidence based content.
Primary Sources and Historical Research
Library of Congress - Largest library in the world; historical and primary source documents including books, photographs, recordings, maps, newspapers
National Archives - U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA); information on history, genealogy, and the U.S. population and government.
National Museum of African American History and Culture - Documentation of African American life, history, and culture.
Smithsonian's History Explorer - Primary sources and artifacts.
Careers and Employment
- Adams County Workforce Center - Access to job listings, job fairs and job search resources.
- Connecting Colorado - You can post your résumé, apply for a specific job or do a self-directed job search through their jobs database.
- Colorado Department of Labor & Employment
- Job Search Tips - A list of resources to help teens find a job.
- My Colorado Journey - Connects job seekers and students to careers, education planning and support resources.
- My Next Move - US Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration website; browse careers and industries
- Occupational Outlook Handbook - US Dept. of Labor publication that includes job forecasts, salaries, education, etc.